Detox, Soothe & Chill With These Health-Boosting Super Teas

In the ambiguous twilight zone that is the period between the Christmas holidays and New Year’s Eve, as well as not being able to tell what date, day or time it is, it is also not uncommon to struggle with the indulgences of the past few weeks. Bloated tummies? Check. Sore heads from too many festive tipples? Check. Post-Christmas cold? Just put us down for all of them!

If you want to perk up in time for the New Year – and, dare we say it, another round of celebrations – why not stick the kettle on? Instead of loading up on medication, try a natural cure from ethical tea company We Are Tea, whose delicious health tea blends offer a remedy for everything from sleepless nights to lack of energy, sore stomachs or – perfect for those New Year’s resolutions – a detox option.

Use the tea consultation tool on the We Are Tea website to find your perfect cuppa by choosing an effect – chill, energy, tummy tonic, detox or another of the many options – and flavour – from nutty to floral or fruity – and order straight from the online shop or find the teas stocked at Holland & Barratt, Boots or on Ocado. The Super Tea range especially is perfect for the nutritionally challenging and stressful holiday season, offering comfort in a cup with blends like ‘Soothe’, a digestive tummy tea packed full of carefully selected herbs to give your stomach some TLC, whilst ‘Sleep’ blends chamomile, lavender, rose and holy basil so you can drift off easily. And we have already book-marked the ‘Protect’ and ‘Alert’ varieties to help us ward off unwanted colds and overcome any post-holiday lethargy in time for January.

All varieties are available as either loose leaf or convenient and eco-friendly bags. With sustainability and plastic pollution remaining hot topics, We Are Tea is the first premium tea company to remove paper tags from their entire range. Every tea bag is made from corn starch and sealed with ultrasound; making them 100% bio-degradable. In 2018, the forward-thinking company aimed to go completely plastic-free across the whole of their packaging and supply chain – so you can start into the New Year enjoying not only the health benefits of your cuppa, but also make a step towards a greener planet. You can’t sip fairer than that!

For further information and to order online go to

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