You know what it’s like. Even if it was you who sent your former significant other packing, it can be annoying as hell to stumble across an unwanted piece of news or a long-forgotten memory featuring your ex on social media.
Well, to be fair, there is really only one platform that throws unsolicited flashbacks in your face, so it’s just as well they are trying to remedy this. Kelly Winter, product manager at good old Facebook, has revealed in a blog post that the network is currently testing new features that allow you to avoid your romantic past without having to unfriend or block people.
She writes, “This work is part of our ongoing effort to develop resources for people who may be going through difficult moments in their lives. We hope these tools will help people end relationships on Facebook with greater ease, comfort and sense of control.”
The new settings will allow you to:
* Stop your ex’s posts showing up in News Feed and their name won’t be suggested when people write a new message or tag friends in photos.
* Limit the photos, videos or status updates that a former partner will see.
* Edit who can see their past posts with a former partner and untag themselves from posts with that person.
Well, we guess it’s good to have the option. Although it might still be easier to just hit that ‘unfriend’ button…
Credit: Image via Facebook Newsroom