Love it or loathe it, the ‘selfie’ is not going to go away.
And the mobile self-portrait has become so popular that there are now dedicated research projects focusing on the social media phenomenon.
One of the studies, by Selfiecity, has looked into 656,000 Instagram pictures from all over the globe to establish how the inhabitants of cities including New York, Moscow, Berlin, Bangkok and Sao Paulo like to pose for their vanity shots.
And it turns out that each of the metropolises has got their very own trademarks. Selfiecity’s findings showed that the youngest posers are based in Bangkok, São Paulo’s urban dwellers are the smiliest and New Yorkers prefer a sassy head tilt as the most flattering angle.
The project’s website states, “Our mood analysis revealed that you can find lots of smiling faces in Bangkok (0.68 average smile score) and Sao Paulo (0.64). People taking selfies in Moscow smile the least (only 0.53 on the smile score scale).”
And apparently, Brazilian ladies are the biggest posers!
The researchers explained, “’Women strike more extreme poses, especially in Sao Paulo. Women’s selfies show more expressive poses; for instance, the average amount of head tilt is 150% higher than for men: (12.3° vs. 8.2°). Sao Paulo is most extreme – there, the average head tilt for females is 16.9°!”
Selfiecity’s findings also revealed that it’s mostly girls who can’t resist the self-celebrating snapshot.
“In every city we analysed, there are significantly more women selfies than men selfies (from 1.3 times as many in Bangkok to 1.9 times more in Berlin). Moscow is a strong outlier – here, we have 4.6 times more female than male selfies!”
Source: Image via