8 Instagram Accounts That Will Make You Want To Get Outdoors

With the winter days getting darker and colder, our natural instinct might be to hibernate and stay inside. But spending time outdoors and reconnecting with Mother Nature has a myriad of benefits for mind, body and soul. And with the lethargic haze of the Christmas holidays ahead of us – and some reflecting on our New Year’s resolutions for 2020 to do – there has never been a better time to head outdoors to clear your head on a long walk or to seek the tranquillity of the forest. 

Immersing yourself in nature is known to calm the mind, boost energy levels, support the immune system and lift your mood. (If that’s not the perfect way to keep your cool and ward off a food-induced coma over the festive season, we don’t know what is.) Need some more convincing? Then check out the inspiring outdoors enthusiasts’ Instagram accounts below featuring breath-taking landscapes, adrenaline-fuelled activities and cute furry friends!

Picture by @finn

Picked by Europe’s largest outdoor accommodation specialist Pitchup.com, founder Dan Yates explains, “Social media is important for us to explore new destinations and understand outdoor lifestyle trends, as well as to inspire outdoor travel. Each of these Instagram accounts has been selected for the influencer’s obvious love of the outdoors, their desire to inspire others to spend time in nature, and their respect for the outdoors and the fragile natural environment we live in.”

And if spending more time outdoors is on your New Year’s Resolutions list for 2020, why not book a stay at one of these incredible ‘glamping’ destinations or find the dream base for your ‘great outdoors’ adventure amongst the over 3,500 accommodation options listed on Pitchup.com across Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand?

Picture by @sianannalewis

The Girl Outdoors

Sian Anna Lewis is a travel journalist obsessed with outdoor adventure and her posts make us want to jack in the day job and head out into the unknown. Whether she’s wild swimming, ice climbing or lying back in her tent enjoying a cuppa and an outstanding view, it’s evident from every photo that she’s living her best life!

Picture by @chrisburkard

Chris Burkard

Probably the most ‘insta-famous’ of the influencers on this list – and for good reason – Chris Burkard is Instagram’s king of outdoor photography. Each of his images is a perfectly framed snapshot of natural beauty, evoking the thrill of being outside and at one with the elements.

Picture by @bearfoottheory

Bearfoot Theory

Less about general destination inspiration (although you wouldn’t know it from her stunning photos!), Kiwi-born Kristen Bor’s feed is devoted to helping outdoor travellers on their adventures. She creates trail guides, suggests must-have equipment and offers crucial tips for outdoor enthusiasts.

Picture by @travisburkephotography

Travis Burke Photography

A devotee of outdoor adventure photography, the lengths Travis Burke goes to for the perfect picture appear to know no limits. The resulting combination of dramatic action shots, visually arresting landscapes and incredible starry skies will have you hooked!

Picture by @jess.wandering

Jess Wandering

The first thing that stands out about Jess Dales’ stunning Instagram images is the colour. Vivid turquoise seas, forests of reds and golds, emerald mountains… each and every photo seems to have been perfectly arranged to make you truly appreciate the beauty around us!

Picture by @everchanginghorizon

Ever Changing Horizon

Having spent his childhood outside, surfing and skating, Quin Shrock brings the same sense of youthful wonder and excitement to his photography. Many of his photos include humans for scale, seemingly highlighting how vast and powerful nature is in comparison to man. There are also lots of stunning wildlife portraits – one of the hardest photography skills to master!

Picture by @danielkordan

Daniel Kordan

Landscape photographer Daniel Kordan’s images are a masterclass in the use of light. Identifying nature’s most interesting shapes, colours and textures, Daniel creates photos that are so picture-perfect they look like they could be paintings, spiriting the observer away into incredible dreamscapes. The art of photography at its best!

Picture by @finn

Finn Beales

The wistful imagery of Wales-based photographer and director Finn Beales captures the very spirit of outdoor adventuring, so it’s no wonder that brands such as Land Rover and Barbour have been using him for ad campaigns. His atmospheric pictures fly the flag for his beautiful home country, showing that you don’t always have to travel far to find extraordinary natural beauty. An inspiration to head outside and go exploring!

Credit: Feature Image by Travis Burke Photography.

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