New Year, New You: Everything You Need To Stick To Your Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions

As the sun sets on another year, it’s time to reflect on what we have overcome, achieved and celebrated. Did you manage to stick to the New Year’s resolutions you made 12 months ago? Or are you struggling to even remember them?

As we all know, once the bright flame of motivation begins to fade – approximately around February 1st 😅 – it’s all too easy to give up on your New Year’s resolutions. If you want to make this journey around the sun the year to set and achieve new goals, here are some tools to help you stay on track!

Make A Vision Board

New Year's Resolutions
Look at your goals daily by creating a vision board to put up in your bedroom or home office.

A goal-setting staple, there are multiple ways to create your vision board both online and IRL. Even Pinterest is a collection of digital ‘dream collages’ if you think about it. However, as we spend increasing amounts of time staring at screens, the return to the traditional paper, glue and magazine cuttings is a fun and therapeutic way to enjoy a little creative outlet.

Tear, stick and draw to your heart’s content to reflect your dream life on your vision board. The pictures you feel instinctively drawn to might even highlight new themes that have been slumbering in your subconscious. At the very least, assembling your New Year’s resolutions on a vision board is a great way of killing a dreary winter’s afternoon!

Commit To Your Goals In Writing

New Year's Resolutions
Stay on track with your New Year’s Resolutions by regularly checking in on your 2020 goals with a Dailygreatness journal.

Whether you want to start your own business, practise more self care or get your fitness back on track, the Dailygreatness Journals will become your new best friend. The diary collection helps you to commit to your New Year’s resolutions with simple written exercises and progress-tracking updates.

Daily Greatness founder and “recovering self-help junkie” Lyndelle Palmer Clarke has applied her favourite mindfulness and goal-setting practises to create the journals. She says, “I’ve made it my life mission to empower you to apply all those self-help ideas into your life in a fun, practical and dynamic way so you can start seeing results. No more wishful thinking, no more reaching for the next self-help book, just a commitment to being your own guru, following your inspiration and living the life of your dreams.”

Break Bad Habits With Hypnotherapy

New Year's Resolutions
Hypnotherapy can help to reset subconscious thinking patterns that affect your mental wellbeing.

Quitting smoking and being healthier in general are New Year’s resolution classics that reappear year after year. If you’ve been struggling to break through the subconscious thinking patterns that make you anxious, stressed or reach for vices like cigarettes and alcohol, hypnosis may be the answer.

Tribe Editor-in-Chief Liv has undergone hypnotherapy herself – with astonishing results (read about her experiences with hypnotherapy here). After more than five successful sessions, she confidently recommends London-based hypnotherapist Chloe Brotheridge.

Chloe says, “Hypnotherapy does not work like a magic wand, it still requires commitment. It is, however, an amazingly effective and easy way to make positive changes to your thoughts, feelings and behaviours.”

If you’re not ready to try hypnosis just yet, you can check out Chloe’s books The Anxiety Solution: A Quieter Mind, A Calmer You or Brave New Girl, which aim to guide you to a calmer, happier and more confident self. Meanwhile, her Calmer You Podcast is full of ‘practical tools, expert interviews, audio hugs, and encouragement’.

Become More Mindful

New Year's Resolutions
Yeah… It’s gonna take us a minute to look as graceful as @nudeyogagirl.

With anxiety and stress levels ever on the rise, interest in meditation and mindfulness has also grown. Guided meditation app Headspace teaches you both skills in just a few minutes per day, easily accessible via your mobile phone wherever and whenever you need it. The app is free to download and offers a step-by-step beginner’s guide to meditation and mindfulness. Targeted audio sessions focus on subjects such as improving your self esteem or increasing your productivity at work. Some content requires in-app purchases.

Read Something Inspiring

New Year's Resolutions
Collective Hub: A source of inspiration and knowledge for digital nomads, trail blazers and rule breakers.

If starting your own business or improving your career are amongst your 2020 New Year’s resolutions, check out the Collective Hub for valuable advice and inspiration. The Australian multi-platform publication is filled with stories about fascinating start-ups, interviews with some of the world’s biggest female entrepreneurs, and up-and-coming business talent. Above all, you’ll find tips and encouragement to set out on your own to create a project that reflects your passions. And if you love leafing through a ‘proper’ magazine or want to store all that shared wisdom in your home office, you can subscribe to the print edition here.

Give Up Alcohol

New Year's Resolutions
If you struggle to apply moderation, are you up for an alcohol-free challenge?

With the New Year’s hangover from hell torturing you on January 1st, the resolution to give up drinking alcohol often comes flying off the lips. If reducing your alcohol consumption is amongst your 2020 goals then ‘One Year No Beer’ might be the ideal sober companion for you! The online programme claims to have a 95% success rate and offers 28, 90 and 365-day alcohol-free challenges.

You may wonder why it seems a good idea to spend upwards of £59.00 to track your attempt at sobriety. However, those of us who have previously failed at going tee-total or applying old-fashioned moderation may welcome the added accountability.

With a ‘One Year No Beer’ subscription you get daily email and video support, and heaps of information. Subscribers also have the added moral support from the over 26,000-strong ‘OYNB’ social media groups. Training and Q&A sessions with experts in fitness, diet and exercise are also part of your ‘no-booze’ toolkit.

Learn A New Skill

New Year's Resolutions
Oh, how we’d love to go ‘back to school’ now that we’ve been adulting for some time…

If you want to learn a new language or add some creative strings to your bow, check out The online education provider offers free courses across a huge variety of subjects. Covering everything from languages to business topics and graphic design skills, the website previously made headlines for offering a photography course that was taught at Harvard University – completely free. It has since been removed, but there are still loads of interesting and career-furthering classes to choose from.

Credit: Feature Image by Timothy Eberly.




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