Sage Advice: The Astrology YouTube Channel You Need To Know About

Is the Mercury Retrograde messing with you? Has the Full Moon got you feeling all sorts of emotional? Want to make the most of the New Moon energy? Then you need to know about our new favourite astrology YouTube channel, Wonder Girl Astrology!

On a mission to make astrology practical, relatable and – most importantly – fun, founder Brittany Binowski dissects all major cosmic events and their themes to help you understand what the hell is going on in the skies – and how it might affect you!

Citing intelligence, practicality, sincerity and community amongst her core values, she explains, “The power of astrology is not in its ability to predict events, but in its ability to help us better understand ourselves.”

On her astrology YouTube channel, Wonder Girl offers her interpretation of the most impactful planetary action in regular, free videos. Those who are looking for personal chart readings, daily horoscopes or videos that focus on more specific astrological happenings can subscribe to an online membership or purchase individual clips via her website.

Speaking entirely subjectively, the Tribe team has found Wonder Girl’s words deeply resonating.

Editor in Chief Liv says, “I stumbled across the Wonder Girl Astrology channel randomly, but from the first video I watched I was hooked. I am well aware that this sounds a bit ‘hippy-dippy’ but since moving to Ibiza almost four years ago, the moon cycles seem to affect me much more.

“I don’t know if that is because I live on a small island surrounded by a huge body of water, but a few days before a Full or New Moon I get an overwhelming influx of emotions and all sorts of intuitive hunches.

“What shocked me about the Wonder Girl astrology YouTube readings was that Brittany’s interpretations seem to come straight out of my own head and heart. A lot of the time, her musings reflect almost exactly what is going on in my life.

“If you are interested in astrology and want to learn a bit more about how the planetary movements might affect your everyday life, Wonder Girl Astrology is a great place to start!”

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